Monday, January 27, 2014

Polar Panoramas

These are two of my finished Polar panoramas. To create these we first researched the process of creating a polar panorama. Then, we each had to go home and find the location of our choice with an interesting horizon line. Afterwards, we took at least ten vertically oriented photos moving from left to right in a 360 degree rotation. Next, we merged the photos into a panorama and resized it into a square. Finally we flipped our image 180 degrees and added a polar coordinates filter. 

We then broke into partners and had a photo session. In this photo session, we had our partners stand on a stool above us to get a more three- dimensional look. Then we used the quick selection tool to cut ourselves out of that picture and paste ourselves onto one of our polar panoramas in a way that makes us look as if we are standing on top of the world. After that, we copied the cutout image of ourselves and brought the brightness completely down, lowered the opacity and warping the image to make it look like a shadow.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

All About Me

Hanalei Elementary school. I went to Hanalei school for 7 years (k-6) I have always liked art but I think I began to really love it once I got into 7th grade at KMS. It was so different because I had gotten so used to doing simple paintings and little arts and crafts projects all through elementary but once I got to KMS we began doing very advanced art work.
Hi my name is Bailey Cooper. I am thirteen years old and attend Kapaa Middle School. I was born at Wilcox hospital on Nov. 5 2000 on the Island of kauai. This is my second and last year at KMS. Before I went to KMS I went to

Mrs. Sanderl, my art teacher, had us go onto the pottery wheel, make drawings in copper, create tiki sculptures out of clay and many other advanced projects. I hope to be able to continue taking art through all of high school and maybe even college. Another subject that I have really enjoyed in KMS is G.T. In this class we learn to use photoshop, create videos and so many other cool projects. My computer skills have improved so much since i have joined G.T. and I am going to continue improving.

When I am not at school i am usually at the beach or drawing. I have recently been really into reading and I have read tons of books this past year. I love photography and adventuring with my friends. I am going on a few trips this year and I am planning on taking plenty of pictures.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Spherical Panoramas

These are two of my finished spherical panoramas that I created in my 4th period GT class at Kapaa Middle School. First we each had to go home and take two sets of 10-15 images in a 360 degree rotation with a 10-15% overlap. The images were then edited in Adobe photoshop. Then, merged into a panorama and created into a Spherical pano in Photoshop.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Final Photomontages

These are Two of my finished photomontages inspired by the famous photographer David Hockney, who created images like this that he called "Joiners". We used digital cameras to take photos of the location of our choice from two different perspectives. Then we batch-edited our photos in Adobe Camera Raw. Finally , we created a finished image in Photoshop.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Magazine Cover

This is my finished magazine cover that I created for a project in my G.T. class at Kapa'a middle school. To make this I used a contour layer to outline the photo that Kora Quintana took of me during a photo session then selected colors from the original picture and colored it in.